Cosmic Fame

In response to the Daily Prompt of 12/04/14…

Photo: A digital speed-painting by the wonderful Naiha.

There are children who dream of becoming President, and then there are 20-somethings who still dream of becoming President.

I have always been taught to aim for the highest. As they say, aim for the Moon and you will fall among the stars.

My aim is not even the Moon, but the Sun, in all its burning glory.

My claim to fame is that I will one day become the Prime Minister of Pakistan, because the President has no power in our system. That is my Sun. I may get burnt along the way, but I will still try my best to harness the power and energy of that golden ball of fire

If I fail to reach the Sun and crash-land on the Moon instead, I will rise to fame as a successful writer. I will win the Pulitzer and many other awards and spend my time splattering pages (computer screens) with my vivid imagination.

And if, due to some misfortune I fall among the stars, I will be an outstanding journalist in Pakistan and rise to fame when many will come to me for opinion and coverage. I may not become world-famous, but I will definitely be reaching for the brightest of stars.

If the universe fails me completely and I come hurtling back to Earth from my unsuccessful journey to the Sun, I will travel across oceans, if need be, and stand atop the highest mountain.

No matter where in the cosmos my future takes me, I will come out on top.

And my name will be known to many, if not all.


2 thoughts on “Cosmic Fame

  1. Running Elk says:

    Whoa! That gave me the shivers…
    You know something; with that attitude and talent; it wouldn’t surprise me at all… šŸ™‚ xx

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